Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fr. Kizito's Case

Yesterday and today morning my wife and I had a very difficult time watching the KTN news item on Fr. Kizito and the children from the slums of nairobi. I was particularly saddened since I have known Fr. Kizito through his newspaper articles in the nation in the days of Moi. He had come to endear himself to the kenyan population with his long running 'Fr. Kizitos diary' articles. This was the time we as Kenyans felt very vulnerable and needed a voice to talk for us.

KTN yesterday reported that the priest had gone further and given consolation to several children from challenged backgrounds and in return sexually molested a number of them. What is sickening if the news item is true is that he not only taped the actions but also invited some Italian friends of his to also sodomize these kids.

My wife suggested that this was the strongest justification yet for catholic priests to marry. I said no. why? Because that evil cannot be solved through marriage. In fact a wife is neither a sex toy nor a sex therapist. There is more to marriage than sex and in any case, I felt that Fr. Kizito's issue is not sexual deprivation but rather some kind of compulsion which requires psychiatric treatment. If it was sex alone, am sure the old man would have easily got a woman or even paid for the services of the thousands of sex workers who are reported to be in Nairobi. The sex workers are reported to charge anything between 20 bob and tens of thousands. The old man could afford that and it would be a lesser sin since it would not hurt so many young lives.

The moral question though is one, what of the good work the man has done for more than 20 years? That has a simple moral answer that is also in the form of a question. What is the value of the life of one boy? Someones son? Nay what is the value of your own life? What would you be paid to have someone violate it in your youth?

I wonder how the doctors of the church would treat this issue. of course judgement is left unto the Lord. But i wonder how the priests would look at this and the separation of the sinner from the sin given that this sinner is really a savior to thousands others.

I would like to hear your true comments on this issue and how we should understand it.


  1. Well I for one I am not surprised at the allegations against Fr Kizito. As far back as 1996, I heard that the guy was gay. That he would take some young teen boys for holidays in Mombasa, stay with them in a tent and the rest you can use your imagination.

  2. I have personally worked at father Kizito, he is a man of integrity. Whether he is gay or not, i do not know because he has never screwed me. He is being painted a sodomist for malicious reasons. You can follow my comments on www.undani.wordpress.com

  3. I saw the news again yesterday and i couldn't help but notice that the picture they presented was a poor photoshop job which would fool only the faint eyed. I wish KTN could show them any way. if this thing turns out to be fake KTN shall lose face big time!

  4. As a catholic of years and a gifted graphic artist i find the whole thing acon. Reason is that we are bond by the same doctrine and i know what photoshop can do. On the screen last night i saw kindergardenlike photo superimposition how comge the fathers head take 80% of both bodies

  5. from what i heard on KTN. there is video evidence.

  6. Oops!!! I didn't know of this news till I got the invitation (e-mail) to read the article on the blog. Then I've read the Standard and Nation online. My question is: What is happening between the Kenyan Catholic Church and the Kenyan Media??? There are over three weeks of (bad) news on the church and the priests... What is it??? These words of Fr. Kizito in the Standard strikes my point of sobber reflection: "This is a case of blackmail, defamation and extortion. If I had not come these people would have transferred the ownership of Koinonia within a month," he said, without revealing names.
    It is really disturbing...

  7. There is no honour or merit in the disgrace of one of our own. Whether Fr. Kizito is gay, straight or celibate is not the issue. The allegations against him (and which will be wildly and widely misconstrued as against the Catholic Church) are indeed very sad. As Christians we must be brave enough to pray for 'truth' and 'justice', whatever the outcome may be. Let us pray for both the victim and the agressor, as we still do not know who did what. Remember that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God!

  8. First we have to appreciate that two wrongs will never make a right, and that mankind will always remember the one blemish you had and forget the millions of glorous things you did. Having said that, I would want to state that as far as now is concerned I do not know if the allegations are true and neither do most people. Technically, that makes the old guy innocent until he is proven guilty.
    On the good side, if all these are proven to be malicious, then something needs to be done to these newspaper people.
    On the bad side, if any of this is true, then the old guy has to be handled as an individual adn prosecuted to the fullest of the law.
    All these however should not obliterate teh good work teh old man has done

  9. The issue is not about whether priests should marry. Homosexuality and pedophilia are two completely different things. There are plenty of homosexual couples in the U.S. who do not abuse children--and plenty of heterosexual ones that do! That being said, I agree that the pictures are clearly photoshopped--and not well done, either. I hope that Fr. Kizito will be cleared of wrongdoing, that the accusers will be imprisoned, and that KTN loses its reputation kabisa.

  10. I hope this is just but a bad a dream and for some of us who have worked both with FR Kizito at Comboni Missionaries and his alleged adversaries such as ndudgu Michael Owiso, the scenario unfolding has a striking semblance to that of Jesus and Judas Ischariot at Gethsemane. I honestly pray for FR Kizito during this trying moment.

  11. TYesterday KTN said they had a video footage and they have had experts verify it. They said they stand by their story. My advice: Fr Kizito goes to court to sue KTN for defamation - then KTN will be forced to prove. Remembr Biwott - he made millions from defamation. The money from the suit can help more street boys. For him just reacting is not enough - He should go to court - he will have many behind him.

  12. Mike i believe you and i'd like to forward the document to all and subdry, but it has too much nudity, so i cant.

  13. A friend of mine told me this: "Ok, if Fr. Kizito is found to be guilty, then he will serve the sentence... But if he is found to be innocent, WHO WILL REPAIR HIS SPOILT REPUTATION??? Not even money..."

  14. Kenyans must learn to seek facts, truths and be objective. Time has come for people to interrogate clearly before bringing issues to the media. I doubt if the accusations are true. May God reveal the truth soonest.

  15. From the photo that i saw in one the newspapers, It was doctored with Adobe Photoshop. If you look at the picture, the person who made it forgot to remove the blurred outline surrounding the head. That head is not even sizable and it is somehow bent like a cartoon or something, he is also smiling lookin straight into the camera like someone giving a lecture somewhere!! About the video there is are so many video editor softwares that can do that perfectly well.... My take is if he is found guilty he will be jailled but if he is found innocent he might leave Kenya because it is not appreciating the positives he has done. Justice for all.

  16. Whether he is guilty or not, KTN must be sued for defamation. How can they broadcast a doctored pornographic picture of a person.

    What kind of pathetic journalism is this? I hope the individuals responsible will be charged. And for their zeal, i wish all the faithful would boycott Standard Newspaper and KTN, so that they see we that we are also a force to recon with!

  17. About the document "Proof that Fr. Kizito is innocent"
    Who is the author of this document? As much as i appreciate the fact that the picture of Fr. Kizito was doctored, i dont see why the author found it necessary to circulate equally fake pornographic pictures of Michelle Obama.
    What has she got to do with this whole saga???
    I would really appreciate if anyone could tell me who the author is.

    We cannot correct one wrong with a 'worser' wrong.
    If we are Christians, then let us be real Christians and stand up to be counted.

  18. am getting concerned that Fr. Kizito is not coming out fighting. is he guilty after all? Will he let this matter just melt away without a fight?

  19. God who is omnipresent has his eyes glued on us, if those people accussing father kizito are doing this for the sake of tainting his once good name then i'm sorry,yhey will not live to see much.but anyway who knows.olwalotieno

  20. The catholic church has faced a lot of critisisms especially from her rivals.Recently it was all about cellibacy, today it's sex.What I want to tell all the catholics in the whole world is that this IS the trying moment, let's be strong and keep our fire burning.catholic church FOREVER. DENIS OLWAL

  21. I believe Kizito is innocent... KTN journalists are false and they probably know. There is no other proof except that fake picture... nothing else. And everybody in the country is supporting Kizito. Newspapers are engaged in this sad affair because they are selling much more copies than before

  22. Fathers case is left for the truth to out. I have admired Fr. Kizito the journalist for many years but if it can be true that he is not straight then let justice takes its own cause.

  23. Kizito has helped many people in general, but that does not absolve him because ruining innocent lives is unacceptable.Priest's have been abusing boys for years and no one including the church talks about it. Yes!You know and i know very well that some priest's credibilities are questionable. Yet the church, yes the church, you and me are mum.
    It is time we all stand up and say this is not acceptable, shun the babaric act. Prying on the vulnerability of underpriviledged kids should not be condoned at all cost.
    People of the cloth can only redeem themselves from all these mess if they stick to true Christ teachings and as much as we want to defend you we feel we are obligated to protect our kids.Our faith in you is eroding at an alarming rate and there is not day that goes by without questioning your moral obligations and intergrity around our kids. Please let our kids grow to be what God intended them to be.

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  25. Please update your blog. It is now official the Kenya’s Attorney General has vindicated father Kizito regarding the allegations of ‘unnatural offenses’ at Kivuli Centre. In a press statement released last week, The A.G concluded that ‘there is no sufficient evidence to prosecute the suspect’.

    In addition, the statement, pointed out that ‘the key witnesses and victims retracted their accusation, and they have stated of having been given money to implicate the suspect’.

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  27. Well now you know Fr is Innocent. He is a man of God dedicated to serve the people of God.
    We Love you Fr....

  28. such a shame that those judging are calling themselves men of God; please retract this blog posting!!

    Shame! Shame!

    Even more shameful to you is that he is innocent!

  29. kajjohnnywanjirohMay 28, 2011 at 2:26 PM

    never point a finger to the God chosen ones, but also they must consider that we rely so much on them for moral uprightness, who could be then paying to screw father Kizito to all Media houses in Kenya, and also, why him alone, after a very short period ?

  30. Well my good people, i should have already updated this blog given your comments on the innocence of father kizito.

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  33. The truth is that some criminal people wanted to extort money through sinister motives. look for what we know about Michael Owiso character who is masking himself as peace builder yet he has engaged into uncouth behaviours with an NGO that mimicking peace building yet they are distractive. he is immoral person who has engaged himself with sexual inclination with young ladies and married wifes pretending to assist through his dubious NGO peace bulding. From reliable information he his hunted for his blood with his second wife who works with mercycorps pretending to be peacebuilders. He impregnated the lady who was a prostitute in Eldoret but things turned hot and he gave in to marry that lady.time will tell

  34. let me comment about Michael Owiso character from reliable source. He pretend to be a peace builder yet he is not. from reliable information is that, Michael Owiso was among the people in Eldoret who was coaching witness of post election violence including Ken Wafula and other former Officials from Kenya Human Rights such as Hassan Omar and other USAID and Mercycorps staff.Get to know that before post election he had little with simple car and was married. curently he lives in Elgon view Eldoret in a bangalow house of a 25000 house rent and recently married a kalenjin lady were he helped to get a job at mercycorps through his friends.he married that second wife recently to conceal the act of coaching witness so as to look friendly with kalenjin people but people know this. time will tell when truth be told and every individual will carry his cross. participating in implicating father kizito is not something new.

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  59. Anonymous, I personally worked with Fr Kizito and am glad and i knew the allegations were sinister. If you ask me, Owiso is no peace maker. I have no personal war against Owiso who Since then has been in problems. His first Wife; a luhya lady walked out on him with 2 children in 2006; allegedly for unfaithfullness. He had fathered a son with Jackie in 2004 a luo woman working at the african academy of sciences whom he used to bring to the office. He then briefly married another huge luo woman around 2007 whom he dumped for a kamba lady Gladys in 2008 whom he threw out of his house yet she is jobless and deserted her for the Kalenjin Lady. In total he has 7 children he has abandoned and the poor women are struggling to feed clothe and educate the children. the mad luo one threw a maintainance letter in his elgon view compound which shocked the current wife as she all along has been believing the guy has no past. Unfortunately Michael Ochieng on the other hand the other fellow who accused Fr Kizito has lost 2 wives since then.( May they R.I.P) it does not pay to tarnish an innocent persons name. The thing is Fr Kizito was innocent.


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