Thursday, July 3, 2008

Joseph Randi Olwero

Hey guys do you remember one Joseph Noah Randi Olwero, formerly of Pandi fish group? well, this character is another pride of the fish group, currently an international figure, running children's orphanage in Sweden and engaged in various community work and moving across the continents. I shared with him about the obunga slums and he's more than willing to lend a hand the same way he's been doing to Nyalenda slums - his roots. currently he has been residing in Netherlands, but he's moving (tomorrow) to his home in Sweden with his family for the summer holidays. Then he shall be coming over to Kenya for a 3 week community work. GREAT!!! Just great!!
and he's also willing to contribute to any kind of fish wedding. so people, get in touch and FAST!! Good day

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