Tuesday, May 6, 2008

University lecturer who lives in a slum (Obunga - Kisumu)

Dear brothers and sisters. This article in the Standard today (By Jane Akinyi) struck my attention. Guys like this (Boniface Otieno Oriaro) are rare to get. In fact they are the species in the process of extinction as some would put it. His simplicity is exemplary. Above all, his desire to transform the society where he was brought up without leaving them. Moreover, his face is just so familiar that I wonder whether he was a fish member of Obunga or not? Does anyone know him? He quotes Fr. Tony Chantry as his mentor. His example is worth emulating... Read here for your information: http://eastandard.net/news/?id=1143986094&cid=4
Fr. Gordon, imc.


  1. More information is just coming in. I have talked with Okullo Philip of Nyawita and he has confirmed it to me. Boniface Otieno Oriaro was of Obunga Fish and was even with me (us) in the St. Peter's Vocational group. So my eyes were not mistaken. I was wondering where I knew this man when I read the Standard Online today. These are the works of a good formation we got in Fish. To be good people, to be good leaders, to be exemplary- not only by words but by deeds... Congrats Boni. You got your vocation...
    Fr. Gordon, imc.

  2. Am so excited about this. like you said it points to the good formation we got from the Fish group. I am looking forward to hearing whether you got his contacts or not

  3. Jaduon'g I was so much touched by this as well. We should never forget where we came from. This is the kind of spirit that we all should emulate. Your home is your home, you can run away but but that does not mean that it stops being your home. The same way one cannot awap their parents for anyone else. This is the Fish spirit and we should all live to it. By the way how is Spain? I guese you must be enjoying warm weather there. We have had a few warm days as well since the start of May "our goat have found there place back on the hungers". Have a good day.

    James Okal.

  4. thanks alot Fr., continue looking for them like that. personally i know him as a good friend. some fish members also got it from the standard newspaper that their brother -in - christ is doing such a commendable thing within obunga estate. some fish members dont know him because of dich mangeny matinde omakowa. can you believe ni Bonface odak mana obunga kae just within the town {aroung 2kms from bus stop}, he very much awere of fish group, fish centre and its activities.

    i feel strongly that there's need to remind ourselves that we are still fish mebers. once enroled, you are a life meber of fish. fish centre {the building itself} pok omukore. lets not dich mangeny ahinya to an extent of 4geting kuma nonyuolwae- thanks
    Gumbe Alaka

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