Thursday, May 8, 2008

Fish Re-Union

A lot has been said (and a lot of water has passed under River Ndhoya bridge he he) about the grand party, grand expense, grand get together or whatever fancy or unfancy name you may want to call it. the suggestions have been varied and I in particular together with Mike Ochieng have been challenged by Charles Lwanga to comment. My friend Mike has commented and here is what i think:

firstly, fish members lets not feel guilty or cause anyone else to feel guilty for any suggestion at all. secondly i feel the get together is a great idea. as you can see from the emails and the blog, fish members are very diverse. we have people in almost every sphere of human life. we have priests (and somehow this is what excites me most) nuns, IT guys, social workers, pick your poison! its so rich. We need to celebrate that diversity . by the way do we have any doctors? i know Eliza margi Edith is a nurse.

further i feel that the suggestion by Silvery is super. we already have a budget, lets sponsor the party according to our ability. I propose Lwanga and Mike to be custodians of the money. (though be warned that one is the god-father of the other!)
Since we will have the party in Kisumu, the guys in kisumu should advice on the best location for this. Midha will perform live so no need for Tony Nyadundo!

I have added 3 more people in the fish album. by the way if you have forgotten the names of the people then you can go to this link and watch the slide show which also has names of the guys . The Fish Album

All in All those cords... those cords bwana ...

May they keep on binding us together!


  1. Dear Jere. You may not know me but am one of the very old fish members who has been out of the movement for a long time but I have always remained attached to the movement because I love it and I believe it has shaped my life in many ways. I know you know my younger siblings very well. Thank you very much for the great work you have done in organising the blog and the photo album. I feel proud reading from you guys and I support all that you are organising. I will make my contribution as I have always done. the idea of getting together is very good,I may not make it to the occasion but I believe it will be a great success. All the best and continue the good work.

    James Okal.

  2. @James, Thank you so much for the kind words. i definitely dont know you well but i know the other Okals very well they were very active in the Fish group and they too shaped youth. Thank you for your contribution. it will go a long way in helping this get together



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