Monday, April 28, 2008

Vocations from the Fish Group

As we continue to go SIGALA GALA, SIGWEYA and PAKRUOK for the birth of the son of "wuod Guardian", Vincent Omondi, we thank the Lord for the life of each one of us and for the christian growth we have achieved as fish members which make us be different wherever we may be.

We pray for our beloved brothers and sister who shared life with us as fish members: the married, the religious (Sisters, brothers and priests). In a special way, we pray for the last fish member (the one I know) who joined the novitiate in Mozambique (Consolata Missionaries). I mean, Joseph Omollo of Manyatta. We pray for young men and women who are descerning their vocations (married or consacrated) that the Lord may give them the wisdom to respond to this call. We hope more young people will follow us to serve the people of God as men and women consacreted to love and serve. Pray for us...

It will not be good to forget to pray also for our leaders (Church, government and Fish) that with wisdom they may know how to guide the people of God.

I conclude this note by inviting more Fish members to participate in the forums and keep us all informed of their whereabouts.

Blessings to all.

Fr. Gordon,
Consolata Missionaries - Spain.


  1. Thank you Fr. We are also praying for all those fish members who are out there. and those new ones as well.

  2. Hi Odegle Nyan'g. Here I am once again with the confusion over names and faces... You commented on the photos I took in Barcelona and I got interested on the person who had such environmental sensibilities (Wangari type) but I could not guess who you are). Now again I've tried following your details (photos) but can't picture you out. Help me know you my brother in Christ.

    Yours, Fr. Gordon, imc

  3. Jaduon'g Sorry I did not read your comments till this evening I must say that you have put on weight but I still remember you very well I did not know that you were in Spain I thought you were still in Colombia. I would really like to come to Spain with my family I hope you have enough space for five of us? Otherwise I have been reading the email you have been sending these young men and ladies and it has been very inspiring. I will get in touch You can send me your phone number we can also communicate though the blog or E-mail. All the best Jaduon'g in fact an tie tich sani.
    James Okal.


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