Monday, April 28, 2008

Greetings to you all the fish Group Members

Let me take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to you all. Am so much honoured to be part of this great group with these great people. I was enrolled a fish member and leader on 10/08/85. Maurice Okumu and I started Magadi boys fish group on the 11/08/85. In my opinion as someone who grew up in Kisumu Fish group is one of the best things ever to happen to the Kisumu youth. The fish group has been important in my family and personal life. When I joined nurse training in 1990 the fish and the Pandipieri Community Health workers gave me a wonderful send off. When my brother Josiah was ordained the Fish played a very important part in 1997. During my wedding on 16/12/2000 the Fish group did all the organisations and arrangements that made it all possible. When we lost our mum in 2002 the fish were there and gave her a very good send off, even during mum's illness several fish member supported us as a family in various ways. Recently when we lost our elder brother the fish were there and helped in various ways and gave him a very good send off given that he was a fish member as well. Am truly grateful for the group and cannot express my gratitude enough.

Thanks for this site as it will help us all keep in touch with each other and know how everyone is doing. I hope we will all contribute to the site and keep it alive. For those who do not know me I currently reside and work in the United Kingdom, two of my younger brothers are still current members of the Fish Group.


  1. Hi James. Long time since we were in your house in London. I was on my way from Colombia going back to Kenya through England and it was just joy the moments we had in your house. That is really long time back but memories are alive. Do you remember? Greetings to all.

    Heeeee, as I was reading I knew it was you but for a new reader, he/she would wonder who is this "I"... It could be good always to aprehend your name to your posting for quick identification. Blessings and greetings to your family. Welcome to Spain for summer holidays. It will be pleasure to host you. I live near nice beaches of the mediterranean sea in the Town of Alicante - hot enough for a change from the northern cold... Cheap flights from and to England are frequent. Aaa, you need Visa since England is not in the Shengem agreement of the European Union Movement Accord.

    Oriti masani.
    Fr. Gordon, imc.

  2. Now things are looking up, now that more people have started posting. Lwanga , you see its possible!

  3. James, Is this maurice you or there was a mix up? hahahaha....for those who are not aware James was my mentor..... Big brother who introduced me to the Fish and later introduced me to community health. He helped me a lot I realy appreciate him aswithout him I could still be trying my luck in football.


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