Sunday, September 7, 2008

Dear All I got this mail from Patrick K'Onyino and I wonder what yur contributions can be.

Martin Opondo

Hi, I am about 40 yrs old, am i still elligible to join Kisumu town youth group? When i was a member of the same group about 15 - 20 years ago, the group was simply known as FISH GROUP. Has the group evolved hence the current name or are the objects the same, if it has not, dont you think it needs to take another shape with a new name while leaving the old name to the youth who will fit within the objects, ARE WE "TAKING AWAY" WITH US A DREAM THAT THE CURRENT YOUTH NEED TODAY, LIKE WE DID YESTERDAY? FOOD FOR THOUGHT.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Patrick,
    Thanks for your Posting. I think as a Fish Old Member, you need not seek re-entry into the Fish Group. You were initiated once and for all thus should always see yourself a fish member however old you are. I think you have heard of Old Fish Members. Haven't you???

    Secondly, I think that the Fish Youth Group has never changed its name nor its aims... It was founded for and like this: For the Youth of Kisumu (now we can refer to the Kisumu Diocese since it has grown beyond Kisumu Town). However, I remember quite well, when we were young chaps, 19-20years ago (I was 16-17 by then), we used to have Fish members who were quite of Age, at their late twenties or thirties and they still felt at home in the group. We had the Youth Leaders who were also of this age...

    Now fine, if one feels too old to be called a youth member (which is ok), we have to think of Our Great Fish Guardians and thus still feel part of this movement and leave the younger generation as protagonists. There is no way we can take away the dream of Kisumu Fish Youth Group with us. We have to pass the legacy from generation to generation always being there to support when we can.

    I don't believe to have exhaustively replied to your concern but I hope to have shone some light on it and leave room for others members to air their views. It is just my opinion, a thought and a feeling.
    Fr. Gordon - Consolata Missionaries, Spain.


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